Sometimes you run out of Post-Its. Shit happens. Let’s keep the task board busy anyway…

It happened to me in real-life. We just agreed on our Sprint backlog and are willing to display it proudly on our walls but… there’s no Post-Its left.

If you’re using OnDemand Jira, here is an option to help you.

The Magic of jQuery and CSS

Click here to access the two bookmarklets I created for OnDemand Jira.

⚠️ WTF?! What’s a bookmarklet?!

The Post-It Bookmarklet

Head on your OnDemand Jira instance, and choose a filter view. Click on the Post-It bookmarklet. Tada!

You get a printable page that you can print, cut and paste on your task board!

A scrum board full of cards

The Burndown Chart Bookmarklet

Refresh your page to get the usual filter view and click on the Burndown Chart bookmarklet. Depending on your issues’ statuses, you’re informed of how much is done compared to your sprint overall point amount. (To work properly, the filter view must show the optional Story Points column).

Screenshot of the alert you get


If the “tada” moment is more of a “nothing happened” moment, try to get some context and yell at me here.

Full disclosure: other solutions could be: