Notes from MongoDB for Developers MOOC
I signed up for the online MongoDB University MongoDB for Node.js Developers course aka M101JS. MongoDB sounds like a promising technology and MongoDB’s courseware uses EdX’s excellent software that I had already used for the MIT 6.002x Electronics course so I was pretty confident of the usefulness of all this.
- Week 5, “Compound Grouping”.
- Week 6, next video is “Connecting to a Replica Set from the Node.js driver”
- Week 7, next video is “Introduction to Blog”
Introduction to MongoDB
MongoDB is a non relational datastore. It stores something close from JSON called BSON, which stands for Binary JSON. It is schemaless.
The trade-off to gain scalability and performance is that you have to give up joins and transactions that relational databases provide.
In MongoDB vocabulary:
- Create is
- Read is
(analogous tocount
) - Update is
- Delete is
Table is collection
. _id
is created by default.
Mongo Shell
MongoShell is basically a JavaScript interpreter. You’ll be able to CRUD data but also run simple JavaScript instructions.
Features include:
- Autocompletion via the
key - Support of
notation for JavaScript objects - Support of BSON datatypes
Connextion to the shell: mongo
> show dbs
> use mydb
> for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) print("Hello World");
Hello World
Hello World
Hello World
> help
> obj = { "a" : 1, "b": "hello", "c": ["apple", "tomatoes"]}
> NumberInt(1)
> NumberLong(1)
> new Date()
> exit
Query Language
is returned by default with queries. pretty()
helps formatting answers
in a readable way. The second argument tells MongoDB the name of the fields we
want to fetch.
> db.collection.findOne()
> db.collection.findOne({"name": "Jones"})
> db.collection.findOne({"name": "Jones"}, {"name": true, "_id": false})
> db.scores.find( { type: "essay", score: 50 }, { student: true, _id: false } );
Query operators
{ $gt : 95 }
: greather than (>, NOT >=)$gte
filter documents where the specified field exists or not$type
(example: 2 for String, cf. BSON specifications)$regex
(example: “^A$”)
> db.scores.find( { type: { $exists: true } } );
Prefix Query operators
+ array$and
+ array (not as useful)
Tricky : db.scores.find( { score : { $gt : 50 }, score : { $lt : 60 } } ); # only less than 60 are returned. Beware that $and is not used, but the 2nd score field value is replacing the 1st score field value (this is kind of a normal dictionary behavior).
Querying inside arrays
- Polymorphism
$all : [ elem1, elem2 ]
$in : [ enum1, enum2 ]
Cursor Operations
Processed on the server-side:
- sort
- limit
- skip
Update options
- set, unset
- push, pop, pull, pushAll, pullAll, addToSet
- upsert, multi
Error feedback
db.runCommand( { getLastError: 1 } )
Dot notation
Don’t forget the double-quotes!
Basic Usage of Indexes
Creating an index
db.collection.ensureIndex( { my_key: 1 }, opts ) # 1 is ascending, -1 is descinding
can be:
- missing
{ unique: true }
{ unique: true, dropDups: true }
(RISKY!){ sparse: true }
Indexes can be created in the background.
Finding existing indexex
Dropping an index
db.collection.dropIndex( { my_key: 1 } )
Fine Tuning
Adding .explain()
on a query produces a document explaining how the request
was executed. Some of the most relevant information of this document are:
: it tells you if an index was used (BtreeCursor
) or not (BasicCursor
: it tells you how long the request took in millisecondsindexOnly
: it tells you if the index was enough to return the result of the request
Size of an index
Calling .stats()
on a collection gives you a document with some interesting
information. One particularly important information is the size of your index
(you want your index to fit inside the memory) that you can also get directly
via .totalIndexSize()
db.system.profile.find({millis: { $gt: 1000 }}).sort({ts: -1})